

Augusto G. Menocal y Cordova

Prestigious artist; style painter, portraitist was a brilliant professor of the School of Fine Arts, San Alejandro

Born March 13, 1899 in La Havana, descendant of illustrious patriots, began his studies at a religious school La Salle, then studied painting at the School of Arts San Alejandro where He graduated from art teacher and painting.

Among his most important works they are: The Amazon, 1920 An Outdoor Lesson, 1921; I do not want to go to Heaven (Torment of Hatuey); Moonlight ; The ruins of the Hospital and Church of Paula; Cuban national heroes; Landing of Columbus, located in the Presidential Palace in Havana.

Menocal won the first prize of the Academy of Arts and Letters in 1920.

Source : "La Pintura y la Escultura en Cuba"book

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